Case of a 70 year old male with ACUTE MCA territory STROKE

 May 23,2021



MBBS 8th semester 

Roll number: 134

This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome .


I’ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient 

clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.


A 70 year old male fisherman by occupation presented with:
  •      Right sided weakness of both upper and lower limb since 6 hours.
  •      Loss of speech since 6 hours.
  •      Deviation of mouth towards left

History of presenting illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 hours ago then he developed right side upper and lower limb weakness which was sudden in onset there were no aggravating or relieving factor,It was associated with deviation of mouth to left and loss of speech 

Patient took a whole bottle of toddy yesterday(22.05.2021)night without having dinner 

Past history

 There were no similar complains in the past


 History of trauma 15 years ago following which he developed sudden   onset loss of vision and spontaneously gained vision after 2 weeks


Not a known case of hypertension,diabetes mellitus,bronchial asthma,TB

  Treatment history :insignificant

    Surgical history  : insignificant

  Family history : insignificant 

  Personal history:



         Bowel and bladder:normal


         Addictions: 1 bottle of toddy per day since 40yrs and smokes 8 bidis per day since 40 years

 Physical examination 


Patient was examined in a well lit room, after taking informed consent. 


He was conscious,aphasic, not oriented to place and time,Malnourished, thin built,Looks dehydrated 


 No Pallor   

 No Icterus

 No Cyanosis:

 Clubbing of fingers present

 No koilonychia 

 No Lymphadenopathy

 No Pedal oedema 

 No generalised edema



 BP:140/80 mmhg( before SBP was 170 mmhg)

 PR: 127 bpm

 Respiratory rate: 23


 GRBS:161 mg/dL

 SPO2 at room air:96% on RA


Systemic examination 


CVS: S1 and S2 heart sounds heard.No murmurs 

Respiratory system:   Bilateral air enters is present, vesicular breath sounds,dyspnoic,bilateral  infraclavicular crepitations wheezes present 

Per abdomen:soft, no tenderness,no hepatomegaly or splenomegaly




Speech: no response

No signs of meningeal irritation

Motor system examination:


                             Right                      Left

 a) Upper limb       Decreased            Increased

 b) lower limb       Decreased            Normal


a)upper limb          1/5                      4/5

b)lower limb           1/5                     4/5

Glasgow scale: E4 V1 M6. (11/15)



             Biceps       Triceps        Supinator      Knee       Ankle

Right         3+           3+              2+               3+          2+

Left           3+           3+              3+               3+          2+


  BUCKLING  GAIT(due to initial  neuronal shock stage the limbs are flaccid although it is an UML lesion later it changes to a typical UMN lesion gait)




Cerebral signs:

 Finger -nose coordination and 

 Knee-heel coordination  could not be assessed as the patient didn’t obey the commands 

  Siriraj stroke score:


Level of consciousness-   drowsy-  1

Vomiting:     No-    0

Headache: yes-     1

Atheroma markers- 1*3

DBP-         80 mmhg

Constant    -12

Total:-2.5( favour ischemic stroke)   

Calculation:(2.5*1)+(2*0)+(2*1)+(0.1*80)-(3*1)-12= -2.5


Siriraj stroke score





 Chest X-ray( PA view)


USG liver and kidney

IVC 10cm

Lv contravtility

IVC opening into RA



Dense MCA sign

Provisional diagnosis:

 Right hemiparesis secondary to acute MCA territory stroke


1)Inj. THIAMINE 1amp in 100ml NS/iv/OD

2)inj. OPTINEURON 1amp in 100ml/NS/iv/OD

3)IVF-10 NS @UD +100ml/hr 

4)Foley catheterisation 

5)Ryles feed 100ml milk @2nd hourly 

6)Tab. ECOSPRIN-AV 75/20 mg po hs 

7)Bp/pr/spo2 monitoring 






